Monday, June 30, 2008

hand foot and mouth disease

Why is it that the kids "things" sound so horrible...almost gross in name? Hand Foot and Mouth Disease... come on? How about blisters of pain disease... or no more eating this week disease... or drive your mommy crazy with the pain disease...

Last week C started with a small fever, then became cling-on and didn't leave my side for 2 days. On the off chance I got to go to the bathroom and he noticed he would scream the whole time I was gone... to me an all around great time especially because it was 95 + degrees which for us North westerners is just not pleasant... we don't have air conditioning, and we had 10 boys over to celebrate the birthday with a back yard camp out...

Then I talked to my friend Ashlee in So. Cal and her 5 year old has it too and her Pediatrician said his office is seeing tons of cases 45-50 last week alone...

You know it comes from poop right?
We likely got it at the pool... the indoor kiddie pool we ended up in because the outdoor pool heater was broken... the same pool Ben refused to take swimming lessons in years ago... the same pool that is 100 + degrees... the same pool I will not be getting in EVER again athletic club or not...

this leads me to my question...
do any of you have good remedies for sores in the mouth? He hardly eats, and getting him to take pain meds is like shooting him in the mouth with lava... when will it end?

Next week after B works it out of his system... yep... now he says his throat hurts...

3 thoughts:

Kristen said...

Oh Marla, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. YUCK!

Sorry I don't have any remedies, just hope that this will end really really really soon!

Anti-Supermom said...

I agree, yucky. Hope that the kiddos are getting better, I don't know of anything personally to help you with though.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's a bit late, but my 2 year old just happened to contract this lovely virus from a friend, and his doctor said to mix 1 teaspoon of childrens benadryl and 1 teaspoon of mylanta. You give a 1/2 teaspoon of this mixture. I gave it to him as soon as I got home, and after his nap, he was a completely different child. It's like he was never sick at all. I am very thankful for her tip.